Briefly describe what you make?
I make all kinds of beaded jewelry, and I also love to paint, but the main focus of Sweet Avenue at the moment is my collage pendants. I use patterned paper, acrylic tiles, and transferred images to make colorful and lightweight, graphic pendants. The other thing you will see a lot of in my shop is jewelry and hair accessories made with vintage-inspired resin flowers. I started making them purely for selfish reasons - I love to wear them myself!
What mediums do you enjoy working in most?
When I am creating visual art, it's mostly acrylic paints, but also charcoal with ink, and pastels. With jewelry - semi-precious stones, beads of all shapes and sizes, paper, plastic, fabric, wood, ink, all types of metal - basically anything you can think of that can be turned into a cool-looking piece of jewelry, I will use.
How long have you been creating craft?
Over twenty years now, I guess! Although, growing up my mother always encouraged our creativity, so I suppose I've been creating since I was born. I've always been a very passionate person. Apparently, when I was three or four years old, I had a crush on the boy who lived next door, so I painted him a picture, and ran out to give it to him - completely naked! Kids are great because they just do what they want to without worrying about what's proper. I think good artists are the same way.
How did you get started?
I started beading with seed beads when I was eight years old at summer camp. I learned how to make daisy chain, tube peyote stitch, seven bead lace....and it just progressed from there. When I got older, I became more interested in gemstone beads, fashion jewelry (why buy it in the store when you can make it yourself?), and most recently, multimedia jewelry. I have sold jewelry in various ways over the years, including one summer at my parent's farm stand. I decided to open an Etsy shop just this year, and "officially" opened in May. Things have been going really well, and I'm hoping to continue to build momentum. You can also now find my things at the boutique called Trinket on Church Street in downtown Burlington, Vermont.
Where does the name of your shop come from?
The name of my shop comes from the beautiful song "Sweet Avenue" by the band Jets to Brazil, whose singer used to front one of my favorite bands of all time - Jawbreaker. It also happens to be the song that my sister and her husband danced to at their wedding. So besides simply being a song that I love, the song has good memories associated with it.
What would you most want people to know about your work?
One is that I make the things I make because I think they are beautiful, and I love them. I never make a piece purely because I think it will sell. The other is that when they buy a piece of jewelry, or even if they just tell me that they think it's beautiful, they are supporting an important part of me, a part that I don't get to express in my day-to-day, 9-to-5 job. It brings me so much happiness.
What words of advice do you have for other artists?
Follow your heart, support your fellow artists, and dream big! On a more serious note, if you are in business, stay organized and keep good records. You'll be glad that you did!
Now, take a look at this shop and come back here and leave a comment.
Nice article. I enjoy reading about others being creative.
Really nice interview and a great shop
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