Here is our interview with the artist, Lynn -
Describe what you make?
I make a wide variety of needlework items. I like to try different techniques and methods. Working in different mediums inspires creativity in the others and keeps it lively. I make quilts, children's clothing, smocks, aprons, bead knit purses, beaded leather Indian corn pendants, jewelry pouches, totes, and greeting cards, and more. I also do custom work.
What mediums do you enjoy working in most?
I most enjoy handwork projects such as hand embroidery, appliqué, quilting, and knitting. I like to work at a peaceful pace and ponder things while creating. Handwork is also portable and I can take it along when I go to my teenagers' music events, and appointments.
How long have you been creating craft?
I have been doing needlework as long as I can remember. I come from a long line of needle workers. Along with many valuable life lessons, my mother and grandmother taught me to sew, knit, crochet, tat, embroider, and more. My sisters and I used to make clothes for our dolls. I also did a lot of projects for 4-H competitions. I finished my first quilt in 1976 for the bicentennial celebration. I was in 6th grade. It won ribbons at the local fairs.
How did you get started?
I started my etsy shop when my youngest child turned one. I was making so many children's clothes that there was no way one little girl could wear them all.
Where does the name of your shop come from?
My grandmothers and great grandmothers lived on farms and had small chicken flocks from which they earned household money or "egg money" from selling eggs. They also supplemented their household income by selling baked goods and needlework. I believe they are smiling now as they see me revive that tradition in a twenty first century setting.
We have a flock of chickens that free range around our yard and we sell their colorful and healthy eggs to neighbors and friends.
What would you most want people to know about your work?
I pride myself on quality workmanship- I sew as if my mother is watching over my shoulder, as she did when I was doing my first sewing projects in the 4-H club. "If something is worth doing, it is worth doing right!" she would say.
I get inspiration from my three children, family memories from my childhood, and my present surroundings (including the chickens).
What words of advice do you have for other artists?
Create things that you enjoy making. Have fun. Don't compromise your values for a sale. Be patient.
C0me to her shop and meet Lynn at Eggmoney.
While you are at Etsy come by and visit with us - we are getting our shop ready for your Valentine's Day gifts for your "Sweeties"!