Here is our interview with the artist, Kathy -
Briefly describe what you make?
I have recently discovered my passion for cross stitched greeting cards for any occasion, birthday, thinking of you, baby, congratulations, and most holidays.
What mediums do you enjoy working in most?
I enjoy working with the small cross stitch patterns that nicely stitch on 14 count aida cloth. I mostly enjoy the white and ivory coloured cloth and anchor floss for my projects. Soon I may need to add "glasses" to my ever growing supplies as it can be tedious work at times!
How long have you been creating craft?
I have been cross stitching since 1999.
How did you get started?
I got started on holidays in Florida with cousins of ours. MInd you the cousins that taught me to stitch were an eleven year old and her eight year old little sister! It is something I was always interested in so in one afternoon these two little girls started my passion for cross stitching.
Where does the name of your shop come from?
My shop name is not exciting at all! I joined up just as a curiosity and did not realize at the time I was stuck with this boring KCowie shop name. Though once inside my shop I'd like to go by created4U, maybe one day I will be able to change it.
What would you most want people to know about your work?
I would want people to know the amount of work and hours that actually go into one of those little cards and that is BEFORE I turn it into the greeting card. It takes a great deal on concentration to complete a pattern, but I love it anyways.
What words of advice do you have for other artists?
My advice to others is do not get too attached to a piece of work you have done. I know it can be hard to part with it but in order to succeed you must not get too involved with the piece. Just close your eyes tight when you mail it off I find this often helps! Most of all enjoy what you are doing and the satisfaction it brings when someone likes it enough to purchase.
Kathy does nice work. Come and take a look at her shop and then head back on over to here and leave a comment for Kathy!
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