Here is our interview -
Briefly describe what you make?
We’re digital photographers. Using Canon equipment, we manipulate light to capture digital images. We take those images into Photoshop to perform our post processing. In the majority of our photographs, we only use Photoshop to enhance the photo. Our goal is to portray the subject matter as naturally as possible, as we originally saw it.
What mediums do you enjoy working in most?
At this point, we only work in digital. In terms of subject matter, our photography spans landscapes, nature, macros, and cityscapes. We’re fortunate to live in a very beautiful area and there always seem to be something new to photograph!
How long have you been creating craft?
Photography has been a hobby of mine for many years. Somewhere I still have a picture I took when I was very young of my grandfather – I believe more than half of his head and body are cut off. Hopefully I’ve gotten a little better since then.
How did you get started?
I’ve always enjoyed documenting the world around me. I got my first SLR camera in high school and the rest is history. My husband became interested in photography after we met and we transitioned to digital photography in 2005. This gave us the ability to take more pictures and have more control over the post processing. At the beginning of this year, we decided we’d attempt to sell our photos after our friends and family encouraged us to share our work with others.
Where does the name of your shop come from?
Photography literally translates to ‘drawing with light.’ We love working with light to create unique, creative images. We thought it would be fitting to use the name Painted With Light, as with our photography what we’re really doing is painting with light to create our photographs!
What would you most want people to know about your work?
Our style is very much about keeping as true to our subject matter as possible. We like to challenge ourselves to capture images in situations that aren’t always the easiest. We welcome any feedback about our work.
What words of advice do you have for other artists?
Create your own style and stick with it! Keep at your craft because you truly enjoy doing it. And make the time for it – not always an easy thing to do!
Please do go and see Painted With Light. You will enjoy what you see!