Here is our interview with the artist, Kelli -
Briefly describe what you make?
I make a lot of things, but my true love is painting. I paint on canvas, wood, furniture, walls, floors, you name it. I also love making hair clips and bows and handcrafted jewelry. I love things that make people go, "Where did you get that???? It is so fun and unique!" I have a new line of up cycled barn wood paintings that are getting noticed quickly locally and on etsy too...that excites me.
What mediums do you enjoy working in most?
I love acrylic paint the most and the more I mix it the more I like it...I am a color lover and mixing interesting colors and hues is fun for me. I love to layer paintings to bring out a bright, vivid mix of colors.
How long have you been creating craft?
I don't' remember not my entire life I suppose. I consider my first real paintings to be the set I did when I was nine months pregnant with my son. He is 8 now. They are of an elephant, an alligator and a monkey. I couldn't find what I wanted and whipped them out while my parents and my husband painted Greer's nursery. I finished in much less time than they did and couldn't wait for the walls to dry to get them up. I got so many compliments on them I started doing paintings for other people and it just kept growing from there. I sell at a lot of local craft shows now, but am new to selling on etsy. I am hoping to build a fan base there like the one I have locally. I began making jewelry a few years ago and started selling it almost immediately. I began making hair bows when I had my little girl and wanted to make some for her. I used my extra stock to make more to sell and they took off fast.
How did you get started?
I just went for it. It was word of mouth at first and still many customers come from the word spreading of satisfied customers. I am still working on my etsy store and am a newbie there. I am frugal with my shop and only put money into it from sales. This supports my habit of creating and allows me to continue doing it even when the economy is down.
Where does the name of your shop come from?
I used my name a long time ago on my very first business cards and have just kept it ever since. I have thought about changing it over the years, but it is working for me. I include my middle initial as a nod to my Dad who I adore.
What would you most want people to know about your work?
That a lot of obsessive compulsiveness goes into each piece...into each stroke really. I try my best to have the best possible craftsmanship and I don't make anything unless I am enjoying making it. I always want this to be fun...never something I dread or that feels like work.
What words of advice do you have for other artists?
Go for it! And do everything you can to get it out there. I keep a list of strategies and ideas and haven't implemented them all yet, but I am always planning my next move and prioritizing what that move should be. Do what you love and love what you do!!! That's what life is all about, right??? If not it should be.
Wonderful interview. Wonderful shop - come see!
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